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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

Understanding America

Splintering and Dividing

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

Without this unity of faith, the future of America will be filed with splintering and dividing. People will seek unity in the constitution, laws and elections, the usual means of oneness. These will not be able to overcome the powers of division that lie hidden in the soul of America and will begin to come forth.

Why do these forces arise now? This is Satan’s plan. A divided America cannot fulfill its role of gathering the nations. Adequate responses will not be made to world problems. All will realize America’s inner weak nesses.

All these evils are but a preparation for the events that will erupt from within. So many economic safeguards have been ignored. So many problems that cried out for attention have been overlooked. These problems will unite, place more pressure upon the fragile unity and lead to more outcries that will accelerate the divisions.

This is not a pretty picture and it has not yet come forth. Leaders will arise who will try to deal with these problems. Some will love America and honestly try to bring solutions. Others will just use this situation for their own political gains, exploiting the problems and not alleviating them. With their rhetoric, they will attract many and will complicate the divisions.

Forces will go in so many different directions. Circumstances will add to the problems and hasten division. America will find itself where it never thought it could be – a divided country seeking to regain its unity.

I am not speaking here of a total break nor a lack of continuity with the past. I am speaking of the future storms which America will face. O America, choose your leaders wisely. Place your country in the hands of those who will protect its unity and who are willing to sacrifice political expediency for the true future good.

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