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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

Snatching the World from Satan’s Hands

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

I have been speaking now for a long time, giving many teachings to my children. Today, I want to bring forward into great clarity, the central message that underlies all that I have said. This is the foundation.

I am the Woman Clothed with the Sun and I so much want to come completely onto the scene. This is the world’s only salvation because when I come on the scene, Satan is cast out. I am clothed with the sun. He is the Prince of Darkness. When the sun rises, the darkness must give way. Light is more powerful than darkness, which only gains power when the sun sets. All of the problems, both in the world and in personal lives come from the presence of darkness which can easily be dispelled.

However, there are too many errors and too much false teaching. “We do not need the supernatural” says the world. “We have the power in our own hands”. Yes, you have the power to destroy the whole world, to kill the unborn, to construct unjust economic systems and to spend money that you do not have. This is your power and you exercise it every day. O world, you do not have my power. I alone can cast out the satanic powers that are hidden from you. I alone can free the world and each human heart from the darkness that has come.

This is my message to you, which I cry out on the rooftops of the internet. Listen carefully to my words because I will not have much more time to warn you. “You are overwhelmed with a growing darkness and are coming to a point of total darkness. The lights of the world are being put out. Behind the scenes, decisions are being made in many places. These are various decisions, made by different people who do not even know each other. There are decisions to build nuclear weapons, decisions to launch them and decisions to prevent their launching. There are decisions to change the world’s economic systems, to buy elections, to create new political structures. These leaders act in darkness and in their own self-interest.

Everyone who does not call on me walks in darkness. That is my clear message. I am the Woman whom the heavenly Father has Clothed with the Sun. He has deliberately made this decision. He has deliberately brought me forth at this crucial moment of darkness because He wants to surprise Satan whose plans are now coming to a point of worldwide destruction. The Father has raised me up to snatch the world from Satan’s hands, at the last minute, so to speak, when it seems his victory is inevitable. Everyone who calls on me, I will bring into the full light of the sun.

Whoever rejects me, can fall into darkness.

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